A҉R҉T҉I҉S҉T҉ L҉I҉N҉K҉S҉:
I always wanted to play my Harmonium with my two hands so a few weeks earlier an idea very spontaniously came down that if I could install my spare 8000 rpm cpu fan at the back of my harmonium I could play it with both
my hands without having to vello it.
Wrapping this up mix or whatever you may call this, another unreleased track called 'Forgotten Waters' it was composed only using the harmonium and running the cpu through very high resitance wires and will be out via another compilation on Swiss noise label Czarnagora I don't know how
it's pronouced pardon my language.

rotate your phone

Meltwater Pulse 1B°

A City Painted °°

These raw recordings were made in and around Belfast, for the purposes of a sound library that was compiled for a soundscape intervention project commissioned by the Northern Ireland Hospice in the summer of 2015. All sounds were recorded using a Zoom F4 digital recorder and Sennheiser MKH 418-S microphones.
The project was led at the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast. It consisted of a series of sound installations created for different public spaces in the Hospice using wall-mounted and garden speakers. The installations were patched through a programme written in MAX/MSP, which allowed for the playback of the audio files according to a specific schedule agreed upon with the Hospice’s management.
Belfast is a city that still deals with ‘troubles’. Creating soundscapes that appeal to a mixed crowd of residents at the hospice posed various cultural and technical challenges. To overcome these, we organised several workshops in order to explain the project to the residents, play them sounds, and gather detailed feedback. The final installations were a fine-tuned response to the hospice residents' feedback, the majority of whom are no longer with us.

Zoom F4 digital recorder
Sennheiser MKH 418-S mics
I found another
Hadi Bastani is a sound artist, anthropologist, and composer. Spanning spatial composition, live performance, and installation art, his creative outputs have been represented through international festivals, residencies, radio broadcasts, podcasts, and workshops, including Klangteppich (Berlin), Sonorities (Belfast), TADAEX (Tehran), the BBC, Resonance FM, and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. His scholarship and creative practice engage with combined affordances of ethnography and practice-led research in sound to explore, examine, and articulate socio-technological, spatio-material, and affective assemblages that underpin different people’s sonic experiences and expressions, in the broadest sense to include musicking processes, focusing on the post-revolutionary-Iran.

His investigation of contemporary Iranian experimental electronic music practice (2015-2019) has formed the first comprehensive research on the subject and culminated in a book that will be published through Routledge in 2024.
Hadi Bastani